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Baby, I Love You.

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Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010 { 10:14 pm }

Hello people!

Ya, time for a post. So, I just returned from gamelan. Yeah. Gamelan is like my life now. Like how band used to be during secondary school days. Ever since I'm the vice president for my IG, it's been kinda hectic for me. Proposals, Deadlines, Meetings, Practice. So ya, my life in school nowadays is most at the time in classroom and gamelan room. Hahahaha. Practice ain't so bad. We're still in search for the perfect repertoire for our Reflections 2010 item this coming November. 11th November to be exact. Practice has been on full throttle (right word to use?).Ya.

So, for my post this time, I'm gonna cover an issue which might be familiar to some of you who might have read my old blog. Well,for the past 2 weeks, I've been shocked with the passing of 2 great people. Firstly, was my dear uncle, busu Azli, who was actually my mum's cousin. He passed away 2 weeks ago. Then, yesterday, got another shocking news of someone whom I just met also 2 weeks ago. That was like the first & last time I got to meet him. His name's Cak Dur. I don't really know him well but he's the one who thought my mum parents a lot on religion during their younger days. What was shocking was that the both of them passed away at an age which you least expect. (My uncle's going to be 40 this year, while Cak Dur was in his late 40s.) Well, it's really scary, frankly speaking. I mean people just leave you in the blink of an eye when you least expect it. For my uncle's passing, I felt that my nenek really felt it a lot since he was one of his favourite nephews. He's the one who usually will leave 1 whole carton of milo drink boxes for my family or dates every single time the fasting month arrives, without fail. Someone who's very caring and loving towards his children, gone. I really couldn't hold back my tears during the burial, when his innocent 4 year old son, hand in hand with his grandfather, asking why his daddy was covered in soil when he's "sleeping". And the cries of his mum, telling each and everyone present that her son was a good person. The greatness of a mother's love. Subhanallah. That really broke my heart. I just couldn't hold back my tears. Suddenly, everything I did with my family just came flashing back in my mind. Suddenly, I wonder, what happens during my turn? Will I be able to face death? Face the questioning in the grave by the angels? That incident really got me thinking.

Well, The holy month of Ramadan is approaching really soon. I get excited usually when I was younger not because of fasting but because what's after that. Hahahaha. But, as I grow, I the happiness ain't the same anymore. Well, basically due to the fact that both of my grandfathers have passed on & also this time my uncle. But, what I really like about the month of Ramadan is the spirit. Going for Terawih prayers at night until your feet ache, the Ramadan bazaars, Ngaji and Qiyamulail which is totally fun because I get to meet up with friends whom I knew since we were still in diapers and sucking on milk bottles. Then, the last night, waiting for the announcement for Hari Raya. Just one of a kind experience which I cannot get at any other time of the year.

Ramadan yang mulia menjelma lagi,
Namun kau pergi, meninggalkanku di sini,
Tetap ku tabah mengharungi onak dan duri hidup ini,
Biar ku berharap, namun kenyataannya pasti,
Dirimu takkan kembali lagi.

Ku tadahkan tangan, Ku sedekahkan doa,
Moga kau aman di sisi Yang Maha Esa,
Ramadan ini kita tidak akan bersama,
Kan ku ingatimu selamanya.

I guess that's about it.
I'm done. (: