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Baby, I Love You.

about me.
Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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Saturday, February 27, 2010 { 10:37 am }

yes people, here I am updating. Hahahaha. Well, those are pics i took from the tree in front of my block when it blooms. & I swear it totally looks like a cherry blossom tree. agree?

Ohwells. Back for to the point. Holidays have been totally awesome so far. No denying that. Well, especially....


Yes indeed, there was so much craziness during the chalet, games & stuff. But, I gotta admit I didn't take part that much. Basically due to the fact that I slept very late the day before, so, i just spent my day lazing around in the room. Well, I still had fun during the BBQ. We played twister as usual & after that I helped out with the food. Attendance was better than the last time we had the chalet which was totally awesome. Faci Siew Yee Kit also came down! Total cool-ness. But, I Just spent my time playing sims by then & when they wanted to play twister, I was totally wasted that resulted in this...

Yes, thanks alot guys. -.-

Other than that, been watching these shows on my lappy.

Credits to Shak for intro-ing them to me. Hahahaha. At least now, I got something to do to fill up my rather mundane free time. & sorry to Thahirah for missing your gig once again. I wanted to go but i thought I had ngaji until the point where I came back form friday prayers that my nenek told me it was cancelled. -.-

ohwells, that's it.

I'm done.

Monday, February 15, 2010 { 12:09 pm }

Yaaaay! The Loooooooooooong Holidays are finally freaking here! Woohoo!

No more waking up early for school, no more worrying about UTs! (Okay, do I even worry about them?), no more daily grades, presentations, blablabla. Like finally, I get to get my mind off those shit and do things I wanna do. Hmmmm. well, not really since I have things such as Ngaji where I still have to worry about. -.-

Okay, first of all, tag replies!

msarah: Hahahaha. Ya laaaa. Thanks, Sarah!(:
LIJUN: Thanks, Lijun! (:
nobuhiro: Hahahaha. Yes, somehow she was involved indirectly. Ohwells.
b: Hahahaha, thanks, b! you're linked!
maizurah (gamelan): Thanks, mai! (:

Well, the past week with dearest Faz has been totally awesome. We finally get to spend time together. & as much as I hate it, I gotta thank the UT week for that. It was the longest time we have spent together for quite some time. & now it's the holidays, we can't really meet each other & living 25 train stations away form each other does not help the situation much. Hmmmm. Ohwells, gotta wait for gamelan trainings to meet then.

I'll still remember that day,
what happened on that train,
so special that it won't go away,
thank you for the memories,
thank you for the week,
thank you for whatever that you did,
I love you.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010 { 7:21 am }

Okay, so, now for the special report. Hahahaha. Okay, 07.02.10. Hmmmm. Yes, Siti Nurfazlun Binte Tahir officially became my girlf for 6 months. We've been through lots of happy & trying times. Yes, been through a lot together. Arguments? We had quite a few. I mean, every couple has their ups and downs, right? But, well, What makes her so special is how she has been the perfect one for me, the missing piece in this parcel of life. But, the fact that we had been through a lot for this 6 months has made me learn a lot & reflect more on my life. This experience made me realise how special she is. Seeing you go through so much in your nearly 19 years of life made me learn a lot & I just wanna be there for you.

10 months ago, You sat in the same table as me during orientation. You were soft-spoken and very demure girl. There was just something about you that really grabbed my attention. But, I tried not to care, keep telling myself it's normal to have such feelings. But, I just can't lie to myself. Seeing you every single day in the past semester, I kept falling deeper and deeper. But, I just could not find enough courage at that point of time to speak out because we never even spoke to each other. Not even once. Then, e-learning week came. Something, I least expected happened. We were talking to each other over MSN. Yes, might not seem much, but, it was a start. E-learning came and go & soon we were back to what we were. Not talking to each other anymore. Our communication with each other was just bounded by smiles when we bumped into each other. I chose to keep it to myself as the semester starts to draw to an end. Maybe I would forget you, maybe I won't, but, that's life. I just had to keep moving.

Until, that Friday, he started conversations with me, starting to give me hope that things aren't lost & I have to make use of the time that was left. He could help as much as he could, but, after that, it was my game. He gave your number to me & forced me to make my first move. It was rather stupid to start your first msg on the phone with a lie but that was what I did. I guessed if I never did that, we would never talk. Well, we got off with a bad start, I guess. I even thought, "Oh shit, this might not even happen." But, things took a better turn. Message after message to each other, sometimes till late nights. By then, people have been pressuring to pop that question. But, I was never ready. I wasn't ready for your reaction. Then, He did it again. He reminded me, "Kalau kau tak buat sekarang, bila lagi? Sekolah da nak abis ni." That woke me up and gave me a reminder how time wasn't on my side.

Then, on that saturday, She told me, in her blur state, "Mudd, she really likes you, don't hurt her kay?" That left me in a daze of emotions. I could not be happier.

The clock strikes midnight, start of a new day, 07.08.09. Been waiting and I guess I should just ask. No harm asking, right? There I was texting, "What would you think if I want to take our friendship to another level?" By then, I was breaking out in cold sweat. All those negative feeling bound up inside me. Your reply was short, but, it never failed to make me smile till now. "awak, asal tanye malam-malam gini?" Hahahaha. Yes. That was my love story. Since then, We had never turned back. Enjoying every moment we have together.

However, there's also a special person I have to thank. "He" who woke me up, "He" who gave me hopes. "He" who kept pestering me.

Yes, Syaiful Amiril Bin Haj Mohamad. Hahahaha. The Director of my love story. We owe our hapiness to you.

& also "the blur one" who dropped the important hint. Wait, was it even a hint? Hahahaha.

Hahahah. Who else? Maisarah Binte Kamal. I think if you never said that, this would never even happen. Andddddd, yes. I still keep that "fateful" conversation. & I cannot stop laughing everytime I read that.

Well, I guess that's it.

I'm done.

Saturday, February 06, 2010 { 12:50 am }

UTs tomorrow! OMGOMGOMG. Walao. It's so fast and now it's nearing my last day as a freshman in RP. Well, my relationship with W36B has been quite fruitful, though not as awesome as W35F. Nevertheless, it was nice knowing you guys man.

&& my girlf is hands down elegant & beautiful in her dress today. Total shocker!

I'm done. :P