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Baby, I Love You.

about me.
Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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YC-ians. Faez. Hans. Nabilah. Shak. Syafiqa. Thahirah. Wirda. YCMB.
RP-ians. Siti♥. Syai. Sarah. Li Jun. Zulaiha (b). Shuqunites. Aishah. Amira. Shahidah. Syairazi Haziq. Archives:
April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 January 2011

Tuesday, December 29, 2009 { 9:06 am }

Okay, It's time for another update! Hmmm, so where should we start.

Sooooo, yes, I decided to learn another new instrument for gamelan. Well, like they say, "learning is a lifelong journey." Hahahaha. Yes, for now, I'm learning to play the Sundanese drums. I must say it's pretty a cool instrument to learn. Yeaaaaa. Especially how you control the bass pitchings with your feet.

& There's gamelan practice today. Preparation for the upcoming open house. Nothing's still finalised yet. Hmmmmm. Ohwells. I have to go to RP early since the room pass is with me, so I have to open the room, since there will be meeting for the upcoming committe members and I'm part of that. Yes, I'm part of the upcoming committee and I don't have any freaking idea how I ended up there. Well, that means more responsibilty, less time with family and friends and more time in school. Especially when you have big productions.

Okay, I had a loooooooooooooooooong talk with the folks about where I should go during my 2-month vacation in the car during the weekends. So, there's a debate between Sydney & Jakarta. I chose Sydney since I already knew a few of the folks there so it would'nt be too awkward for me. But, the parents want me to go to Jakarta, since it's farrrrrr more cheaper, since they spent quite a huge sum of money for 2009. & they're using the reason that I dropped my laptop as a point of rebuttal everytime I talked about Sydney.

& The whole point of going of going overseas, according to them, is to find new experience & to be a better person religiously, for those who don't know. I rest my case and I won't elaborate on that further here. If you want to know more, ask me personally. (:

Okay, It's been awhile since I last kicked a soccer ball. I misss playing together with my ExpressO! crew. Ohwells. Anyways, If any of you who happen to read this post, me and Wirda are planning to play street soccer at one of TJ's street soccer courts. Die kate tukar angin. Hahahaha. Okay, text me if you're interested. (:

That's it.

I'm done.

Friday, December 25, 2009 { 4:13 pm }

Okay, no denying this, but the holidays so far has been totally awesome! From gamelan practices to the camp, Azhar punye muke kene goreng and yesterday's outing to Sentosa was tha' bomb!

Okay, I'm totally bored right now & I miss you badly. Damn the prepaid! Pfft.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009 { 11:35 am }

Well, physics today is total boredom, so, it gives me every fucking reason to update this dusty ol' blog o' mine. Hahahaha. Hmm, what the fuck should we talk about? Oh, I know...


Yes people! It's december now, last week of school before 3 weeks vacation and time to welcome 2010! Hahaha. So much events to look forward to, events you hope will happen, blablabla.

Events to look forward to!

Yeah, pure fucking american metal band, Lamb Of God, is coming to town people! \m/ Something that will be the highlight of next year. I really hope it'll happen this time. Really wanna go and watch their gig.

World Cup in South Africa next year! Woohoo~ Okay, what makes me so excited about this year is just that they're featuring new teams. Well, they aren't new actually. Some are making their debut appearances, some are making a comeback after so long. Mostly are regulars from past editions. Teams like Honduras, Algeria, North Korea, New Zealand, Slovenia, Slovakia and Chile are a few underdogs and dark horses that qualified for this year's edition. Sooooo, Which team are you rooting for? **Nabb maseh ambik Germany ehh? Hahahahaha.**

Okay, i think this does'nt need much elaborations. If you're a Singaporean, by now, you should know what it's all about.

Things I hope will happen next year!

Yes, they were supposed to be i town this year, but, well, something happened and their gig here was cancelled/postponed. Hmm. I still really silently hope these Swedish Progressive Metal Giants would have their gig here next year. That would be so fucking ace! It'll just make 2010 much more better.

Hmm, well, will end it here. Just a last shoutout to this special girl in my life,


Tuesday, December 01, 2009 { 9:09 am }

Okay, here I am updating. This post is gonna be super long so just bare with it.


Thursday night, was walking to the bus stop to go to Darul Islah when Zul called me asking whether I wanted to go together. Agreed and I turned back and headed to Lakeside to meet-up with him. We trained all the way to JE and took 51 from there. Played Fifa 10 via ad hoc with him and he finally realised how big a noob he was. Hahahaha. Reached Darul Islah and straightaway helped out with setting up of the slaughtering corner. Yeaaaaa. After that, helped Zainul to change the sawdust in the kandang and also giving the kambings food and water. Cleared 1 dead sheep, 4 suffocated ones and 1 limp. So, we expanded the kandang to be more wider so that they could have more space. Zainul fell while doing that and that was seriously funny shit! XD

After that, kinda slacked around as there was nothin left to do since most of the work was done the previous night. Went night cycling all the way to shell to get some food and accompany Zul for his dose of vitamin N. Hahahaha. Later on, the rest of the gang arrived. As usual, we joked around and stuff. Blasted Misteri Jam 12 on the van. While they played soccer later on, I chatted with dearest Faz on the phone. She turned in around 1 so I slacked at the smoking room with the others. Continued whooping Zul's ass at fifa 10 until he gave up. I got 20 minutes sleep before waking up for Solat Subuh.

After solat, set up the plastic sheets for solat raya. Ibnu played a prank on Ahmad while he was sleeping. He basically grabbed a toad and left it beside Ahmad while he was sleeping. Ahmad freaked out when he woke up. Hahahaha.

Washed up and got ready for solat raya. I kinda dozed off during the khutbah. Heh. Was really super sleepy then. After that, changed my clothes and got ready for rodeo! If you're wondering, I'm the guy in the orange shirt in the pic. & yes, it's YC's PE T-shirt. Hahaha. Really enjoyed myself. Frankly speaking, though I'm really shagged at that moment I enjoyed every single moment of it since these celebrations only come once in a year. So, yaaaaa.

After everything was done, went to wash off, the shit, blood, blablabla. Took a bath, collected the meat and taxi-ed home. Reached home and slept like a pig after that. Hahaha.


Woke up early to help my mum with house cleaning. Mopped the floor before I went out. Met up with MC in front of YC and we headed in first, leaving out the others since they're late. Talked to a few teachers befroe hading for the band room. Well, I miss sitting at the back row, blasting my 3rd trombone parts, together with Rafi, we irrirtated the shit outta Wanteng, keeping an eye over the other juniors, trying hard to catch any members who mishandled their instruments, long fingernails, ankle socks, unclipped fringes, talking, blabla. How I would count down after practices, scream and shout during foot drills. Those were the times.

Left early to meet up with dearest Faz at City Hall. Walked to Funan to send my lappy for service. Now, I have to wait for 2 weeks. Price for LCD change? 438.75 bucks. How about that. So kids, love your lappys while you have em'.

After that, trained all the way to Chinese Garden. We slacked at the bonsai garden when it rained heavily. Dearest Faz enjoys poking me because I get all ticklish about it.

Left at 5 for the jamming centre for jamming session with the dudes. After jamming, slacked and drank Bavaria. Hahahaha. After that went to JP for dinner. Reached home at 9.


Left house at 7.30 since my lil bro, Sobirin, is going to HK for his school's study trip. How cool is zattt? I mean, they don't have these during my time. The furthest I've went for a school study trip is Genting Highlands. -.-

Dad drove to me to Lakeside at 8. Trained all the way to Dhoby Ghaut for the peranakan festival performance. Met Syai at Admiralty. Arrived there and met the other GNKs at Plaza Sing Macs.

Walked all the way to SMU. Once we arrived, helped out Mon & Azhar to move all the instruments to the concourse. I tell you, that place needs a bigger Loading/Unloading Lift. -.-

Performance was at 12. Had lotsa fu for the performance. Dearest Faz was dropdead gorgeous in her kebaya! Heh. And did I tell you, Her whole Family was there! Hahahaha. Bikin orang main sampai tak tentu arah seh.

After performance, help Mon & Azhar to move the instruments back to RP. Bloody tired, I must say. After that, Dad picked me up and sent Mon to woodlands interchange. After that, dropped by Ar-Raudah to solat before going to Beach Rd for late lunch.

Well, in conclusion,