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Baby, I Love You.

about me.
Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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Saturday, September 19, 2009 { 2:09 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Here I am updating. Been really busy lately with gamelan and stuff. Yupps. It's kinda bben that way for the past few weeks. Tiring, Pressurisng, frustrating, nervous, bla...bla...blaa. In short, the syndrome every performer would have when a performance is drawing nearer. Especially, a huge one. You know. The usual stuff.

Coincidentally, It's the last week of the fasting month! WOOOO~ Like, Yay-ness. Preparations had been quite intense. Feeling really shagged. Well, Scrubbed the toilet spotless. Well, not too spotless laaaaaa. Sheesh. Discovered all those "interesting" things in there. Hahahaha. Hmmm. Spring cleaned the whole house. And, yes, when tensions are high and you're on an empty stomach. There's bound to be fights. Hahaha. Well, it's usually be between me and my mum. Well, things are good now. As usual. Also, I've been going to the market for the past 3 days. Straight. Well, went there early in the morning, so, it was'nt that bad. Except for today, of course. All the Muslims out in full force to make final preparation for Hari Raya. Also, been doing landscaping too. Hahahahaha. Real, pure fun. Well, it's for the corridor in front of my house. My parents wanted to arrange the countless number of flower pots that my grandmother has in a more orderly and presentable way. So, there I was, early in the morning arranging and carrying flower pots with my dad. Doing work with him has never been boring. He'll just make working fun with his funny antics and sarcasm and bad luck. Like how he was carrying the huge flower pot my mum had, and out of a sudden, his pants dropped. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. **breathes** HAHAHAHAHA. What a way to kick off the day. So, the end product was good. Everyone felt satisfied with how my corridor's looking.

On another, random note, I just felt like talking about this. I think most of you should've known what Kanye West did during Taylor Swift's award receiving ceremony during the VMAs. So, here's her comment about the incident.

Hahahaha. Well, it's much of a pity though. Having someone to spoil your first time. Still, gotta complement on how well she dealt with it. Took it with alot of maturity and professionalism.

Lastly, to end this post, to all those people whom I know out there, My dearest Faz, My Peacedudes, The ExpressO! crew, Anak-anak melayu W35F & to all muslim readers out there,

Kalau ada jarum yang patah,
Jangan disimpan di dalam peti,
Kalau ada silap dan salah,
Jangan disimpan di dalam hati.


Minalaidil wal Faizin wal maqbulin. Maaf Zahir dan batin.

Di sini, saya, Ahmad Mustaqim Bin Muhamad Abdul Halim ingin menyusun sepuluh jari meminta maaf jikalau tersilap kata, terkasar bahasa, terguris hati, tersalah makan, tersengaja minum. Maafkanlah ye? Sedangkan Nabi ampunkan umat, Inikan kita sesama manusia. Selamat menyambut lebaran di samping yang tersayang. (:

Well, basically that's it.
I'm done.

Saturday, September 12, 2009 { 3:10 pm }

Heyyyyyyy people. Here I am updating. Sorry for the irregular posting. Yupps. Been really busy nowadays. I've got so much stuff nowadays. Gamelan from Monday to Wednesday, since Reflections is getting so near. Annndddd, it's like one week left before puasa ends. So, i get really busy around the house doing what males would usually do when Hari Raya comes. Hahaha. Soooo, gamelan for me was'nt that bad. I'm starting to get a hang of it. And, I got a few shocks out of this week alone. They're good ones la. Hahaha.

I really don't know whether to put my blog on hold or not. I mean nowadays i'm just really busy with so many stuff that I need to do till there's no time left for updating. Hmm.


I'm done.

Saturday, September 05, 2009 { 2:49 pm }

Hahaha. Like after sooooo long. A picture at that memorable corridor. Ony this time, we graduated already. Except for one, of course. Hahahaha. No hard feelings eh. Well, it was taken when we went back to YC for teacher's day. Well, not all were there. But, heck, we enjoyed our time.

Well, I'm updating from JE's library. Well, solely because of the reason that blogger works well at the library. Like, Hva Faen. Well, into the 2nd week of the holidays and it somehow gets better? Well, basically due to the fact that it was teacher's day this week. Hahahaha. Well, it's kinda fun getting to meet up with each other after some time. Well, the school's alot more bigger now.

There's like also Gamelan. Hahaha. I get to meet beloved Faz! Okay, okay, I know. I'll keep quiet. We were like basically preparing for Reflections 09'. Somehow, I'm starting to enjoy gamelan alot. The fact that mostly the budak-budak melayu of W35F are also in Gamelan just made it more fun. I'm starting to learn alot of stuff.

Well, I know this might be very un-sweet, whatever it is, but, I felt that I should say this.

a very happy, belated, 18th birthday to Siti Nurfazlun binte Tahir! :D

Okay. A fact about me. I'm a sucker when it comes to being romantic and stuff. I've never been really good at that. Every try, it's an epic fail. I'm sorry I could not get you a present or something special. Only a simple birthday song from me over the phone. The simplest gift that I can give to you. Well, it might be fine to you, but, it's just the sense of guilt in me. Ya. Well, at least you enjoyed your birthday, and that's what that counts. Enjoy being 18, sayang. (:

I'm done.