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Baby, I Love You.

about me.
Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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YC-ians. Faez. Hans. Nabilah. Shak. Syafiqa. Thahirah. Wirda. YCMB.
RP-ians. Siti♥. Syai. Sarah. Li Jun. Zulaiha (b). Shuqunites. Aishah. Amira. Shahidah. Syairazi Haziq. Archives:
April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 January 2011

Saturday, August 29, 2009 { 2:43 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyy, here I am updating.

I still feel really light-headed since I turned in quite late last night. I had to drop by TJ's macs since my dad had a meet-up with his friend about some personal matters. And, being typically himself, my dad forgot to bring certain stuff and I had to send it to him. -.- Oh wells, at least he belanja-ed me, so it's all fair. & I also saw Leia, My band's ex-senior. Msged Faz the whole night, since she was watching Eiffel, i'm in love. And she blamed me for spoiling the climax. -.- Can't blame me whatttttt. I get too excited sometimes. Slept around 1.

Woke up for Sahur and I only ate cereals for Sahur today, since I was too full after eating an upsized Big Mac meal from last night. Hahahaha. Waited for subuh and then i I continued my sleep.

Woke up around 10 and watched History Channel. Yes, people. I watch that channel. It's not boring kay. Ask Thahirah if you don't believe me. Hahaha. It's about Russia and during her time as a monarchy. Well, it's about Tsar Peter the great. I betcha won't understand a single shit I'm talking about. Nvm.

And now, I'm at JE's library, waiting for my brothers to finish their tuition. & I notice certain things work at the library, such as BLOGGER. -.- Oh wells.

& I'm still hesitating whether I should go back to YC this monday. Hmmmm.

Oh wells,
I'm done.

Thursday, August 27, 2009 { 12:27 pm }

Heeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, here I am updating.

Well, currently, i'm addicted to Delain. Yea. Just in case you have no idea what's Delain, they're a symphonic metal band from The Netherlands. And I feel that they're worth listening to. Even Faz agrees with me. Heh. And to those who still misinterpret metal for satanic, full-of-headaches, music, it's not. Well, the satanic one is black metal laaaaa. Don't mix up kay? You see, there's alot of subgenres in metal. Like there's....

BLACK METAL = Satanic, corpse paint, Those industrial nail cuffs, goat's head.

BRUTAL DEATH METAL = Deep growling, gory lyrics, Cannibal corpse.

MELODIC DEATH METAL = Growling, more melodious guitar riffs and stuff, Arch Enemy.

TECHNICAL DEATH METAL = Growling, more technical, complex, guitar riffs.

SYMPHONIC METAL = Clean Vocals (i.e. NORMAL SINGING), sometimes there's growling and other stuff, usually collaborations with symphonic orchestras, Majority of the bands have kickass female vocalists, the few mellower subgenres of metal.

FOLK METAL = Collaboration of old folk music instruments like accordion, bagpipes, blablabla. Vocals? Hmm. that one need to research more.

Well, that's the few subgenres of metal bands that I have in my playlist at the moment. Why i'm posting this is because people seemed to always have misconceptions about the music I listen to. So, Sarah, I listen to symphonic metal kay? If you don't know what symphonic metal is, go listen to my blog playlist. That's symphonic metal, for you.

Hahahaha. Okay, now back to the main point of me writing this post. Well, I noticed my W35F classmates are writing some sort of a tribute to everyone in the class. Especially, anak-anak melayu of W35F. Therefore, I feel obliged to do the same thing as well. Hmm. Where to start eh? Okay, I know,

AZHAR - Well, we might not be given sufficient time to know each other really well. But, at least we know each other better now right? Hahaha. At least you don't think that I'm not kerek anymore. We've been going together a few times already and I feel that I get to know you better. Well, we'll still meet each other during gamelan. But, still I'll miss that funny laugh of yours. Like how Syai puts it in his way, "Macam ade bende stuck kat tekak" Hahahaha. All the best with your future & Last long with your girl kay?

ZUL - Hmmmmm. Zul eh? Well, I also never really get to know you that well. But, still I think you're a cool guy. Well, one things for sure that I know, Diam-doam kau, berisi. Hahahaha. Real pleasure to get to know you and work together with you.

SYAI - SYAI! Hahahaha. Hmmmm. Well, what to say about our brader dikir barat here? Well, he's W35F's joker, that's for sure. Cracking everyone up with his jokes and stand-up comedy. I owe alot to this guy over here. He's the one that brought me out of my shell. Well, in a forceful way that is. Hahaha. But, still I owe most of my happiness to him. And I'm really thankful for that. Yea, you might not have luck in love this time, but, patience, my man. True Love will come to you. And, I share your mourning of the recent loss of your Gilera. Best of luck in your future and see you in gamelan!

MIRAH - Mirah. Hmmmmm. Kakak Kanchong spider kite. Hahahaha. Well, you gotta cool down manszx. And cut down on your panicky attitude ya? Stop being so pessimistic laaaaaaaaaaaa. You're real smart, just that you need to have confidence tau. I owe alot to you since you always save my ass for programming. Hahahahaha. I'll miss the distractions you make during UT, that's your hand movements and the clicking of your pen, in particular.

SARAH - Hmmmm. I guess we rarely talk? But, all I know is that when we do, we can go real crazy. Hahahaha. Great fashion sense you have sometimes. Real pleasure knowing you. All the best in your future kay? & I'm not going to stop listening to what i'm listening to! Hahahahaha.

AIN - AIN! Hahahaha. Well, She's the first person ever that I talked to in W35F. Sociable, bubbly personality, that's for sure. Ohoh, and you have kickass vocals manszx. Get well soon for your operation. We're in the same boat. Hahahaha. I seriously can picture you kicking people's butt in a major singing competition laaaaa. Annnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddd, You really love your guy. Which is cool. Last long with him kay? Stay as you are.

FAZLUN - Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Well, I really have to agree with what you said, we really came a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooongggg way. From like not talking to each other at all, to what we are today. The first person in RP, that really grabbed my attention. Heeeeeeeeeeee. Ya, I admit I'm stalking you in one way or another and I'm really surpirsed at how people are so attentive at details. I never really heard you play the piano before, but, maybe some day? I sing, you play. Hahahaha. It's been really fast that now we're entering the 3rd week together. I really hope to the day where we can meet again. I love the way you are, so, never change kay? Ohoh, glad to know you're starting to have interest in symphonic metal! Heeeeee.

It's raining heavily outside, and you're the one I miss most at the moment.

I'm done.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 { 12:35 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyy, people. Here I am updating.

Well, yesterday marks the last day of mytime with W35F. Yea. Thinking back, it felt so fast that 16 weeks just pass us by so fast. But, in this good 4 months, friendships are made, bonds between classmates are strengthened, Class spirit ignited within us and also new love found. (:

I'm still not sure how i'm going to move and re-adapt after this, but,oh wells, I still have 5 weeks before that happens. All I know, I'm sure I'll have a hard time re-adapting myself in just 16 weeks. Well, that's me for you. Hahaha.

I don't want to talk about UTs right now, but, I think I did fairly okay for all the papers, except for programming, as usual. Hahaha.

Well, after UTs yesterday, played the twister game with anak-anak melayu W35F. Really had loads of fun. I always end up at the final two. Cool or what? That proves that I'm totally flexible. Hahahaha. After that, we just basically lepak-ed at RP since this would be the last time we spent time as classmates. We basically jsut played card games and stuff, and I must admit I'm a total dumb cock when it comes to playing those types of card games. Heh.

And, now, begins my 5 weeks of so called "vacation", which at this moment, is'nt for me. Well, basically it's all based on the fact that I have ngaji, straight for this fasting month in the morning. And continued by terawih and then more ngaji. Sometimes, I really wonder why i'm fated this way. And, I sometimes feel really, really tired with my kind of lifestyle. And, it's a real frustration when I always miss outings with my friends due to my really hectic lifestyle. And, to make things really bad is when people can't understand the situation you're in. I mean I don't really blame them for not understanding the situation I'm in right now. I also hnever asked my life to be programmed to be how it is right now. I really wish I could run away from the life I'm born into. Hmm.

Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind,
Can't ease this pain, so easily,
When you can't find the words to say,
It's hard to make it through another day,
And it makes me wanna cry,
And throw my hands up to the sky.

I miss you so.

I'm done.

Saturday, August 22, 2009 { 1:01 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, here I am updating.

Well, today's the first day of the fasting month. Like pffffffffffffft. Oh well, all i know I have alot to do. Yea. My parents have set certain stuff for me to do. Like dotdotdot. addddoooiiiii.




Hmm, so yea. That's what I was told to do. ON THE FIRST DAY.

Well, will update more next time.

I'm Done.

Friday, August 21, 2009 { 7:43 am }

Okay, blogger is being a total bitch nowadays. like fuck.

Well, UTs had been fine. I guess I can say that it went fairly well.

Anyways, I found my long lost buku pantun and my 3 songbooks! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ Like so happy right now. I still remember when me Haqeem and Asfari were level champions for the pantun competition. I guess no one really remembers it, but, well, I do. And also times at SHQ! (remember?!) Hahahahaha. Writing down all the inspirations we had in our mind and stuff on the book. I still have it dudes. It's kinda torn and tattered, but, I'll let it be that way to remind me of the good ol' times I had at YC. Although, I must say this, but I still think the school's management now is BS. Like which alumni won't agree with me. Hahaha. Just frustrated laaaaaaa. Not being able to revisit your alma mater is just a shitty feeling after so much memories there. I hope some kickass person would be posted to that school and turn things around manszx. Hahahaha.

Well, I'll end this post with a few interesting pantun that I think I should share.

Pohon berembang di atas gunung,
Tumbuh di bawah pohon meranti,
Janganlah hidup berulang jantung,
Menunggu dia sampai mati.

Buah pauh delima batu,
Anak sembilang di tapak tangan,
Sungguh tinggal beribu batu,
Jauh di mata di hati jangan.

Baik tak, baik tak?

Oh wells. Gonna end it here.
I'm done.

Saturday, August 15, 2009 { 12:06 pm }

Heyyyyyy, here I am blogging.

Well, Life's been really great for me nowadays. Although there's only left like a week left with W35F. I'm soooooooooooooo gonna miss quite a lot of people. especially you.

I'm gonna do a proper update about yesterday. Well, it's programming for yesterday. Yes. The most pain in the ass subject that was ever created by mankind after maths. It's not as bad as maths, but, due to the fact that i have a really fucked up faci to teach me that module, it really makes me hate the module alot. Me and the other malay kids except Azhar like left school after the 2nd break. Hahahaha. Went to causeway point to have lunch. Me and Zul went to An-Nur for Friday prayers. We arrived kinda late so we had to like pray outside. In the intense, Singapore, midday heat. Cobaan to the kemuncak seh. Hahaha.

After that, took bus back to Causeway Point to watch movie. We watched Up anyway. Really, really funny show. After the movie went for gamelan recording. And, I just realised that I was going to perform for the upcoming performance at TRCC. Like wow. Gamelan's okay la. I can catch up with things so far. After Gamelan trained home. Washed up, solat, did RJ and left home again to pick up my mum from her Teacher's Day dinner. I fell asleep quite fast after that since it has been quite a long day for me.

Woke up quite early this morning. Nenek left around 7 to go to Johor to alter my cousin's Hari Raya outfit. I finally got to workout after quite some time. I gotta keep in shape manszx. NS is like getting oh so close. Did weight training. And now I'm like so freaking bored at home.

Awak, jacket kite da bau awak. Sedaaaaaaaap. Heh.

I'm done.

Friday, August 14, 2009 { 9:39 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, here I am blogging. Indeed, it's been avery tiring week. & it's the last week of the semester which means it's my last few weeks with W35F. Pffffffft. I'm so gonna miss the class.

Anyway, I transfered from Dikir to Gamelan since Dikir's attendance is quite dissapointing. Therefore, I decided to leave. Enjoyed gamelan quite alot & obviously I learnt new stuff from there.

With the time that's left, I want to grab as much time as I can, just to be with you. This love is deeper than any relationship I've been in before. I really, sincerely love you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009 { 2:25 pm }

Those were the days where books and education were still not a priority to us when it is to others. I just missed those days. Featuring the day where I got flagpoled on my brithday. (during the fasting month! How Ironic. -.-)

Okay, That's it.
I'm done.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 { 4:18 pm }

Hahaha. I still can't stop laughing at the class photo. It was like pretty random what I did to Faez in the pic. Well, it was informal and I had no idea what to do so I just grabbed his head and boyyyyy, did it come out good. Sorry though. Hahahaha.

I was bored in class so I rummaged through people's blog archives. Well, Rafi and Nabilah in particular. This is just a small bit. It's sec 1/2 album. I was just damn bored during maths so this was what I did. Hahahaha.

Well, I'm done.

{ 11:37 am }

Okay. Pics from my unexpected Malacca trip yesterday. Hahahaha. I was damn blur to think that the family was actually heading for Johor, but they're not. Woke up damn early. Slept in the car and was awoken by the ruckus. To my surprise, I woke up with the sight of a traffic policeman talking to my dad, with my giving that innocent look. After much effort, I finally managed to digest the fact that we were at Malacca and that my Dad was told to pull over for speeding. -.- However, my dad somewhat managed to smoke his way through by claiming he did'nt speed. LOL. Now I understand where I got my talents for smoking my way. Hahahaha. So, my Dad got a hell of a nagging from my mum then. Like LOL. Okay. Had really late breakfast. Did some grocery/raya shopping. After all of that, headed back to Singapore. On the way, managed to catch 2 accident scenes. No wait. It was 3. Really, really freaky accident scenes.

Cleared Singapore customs around 8+. Headed to makan shiok! for dinner. Throughout the journey, was messaging her. Yes. Hahaha. Was kinda tired by then. Tried to sleep when someone had to disturb me. Yes. Nabilah Binte Sadali, you are guilty of waking me up from my sleep. Hahahaha. She was excited laaaaaa about someone-we-know.

It's gonna be the last week of school. Just a few days left with W35F. Gonna miss all the beautiful peeps of my first class in RP. So many things that happened in this 1st semester. Well, in short, Life changed for the better. And I'm pretty contented with it.

At the moment, I feel that my brother, Fatah, understands me the most at the moment. Maybe it's because of the fact he'll be in secondary school next year and that's what that might cause the sudden maturity. Nowadays, we can talk many things together. Many-many things.

And also, I feel that somewhat, my mum is worried that somewhat I'll spoil her reputation? I don't know laaaaaaaa. It's just my perceptions. Perceptions I get by the way she talks to me sometimes.

And in a split second, life takes a turn. A really wonderful turn. A turn that really changes everything for me at the moment. I wish time would just stay still, just to be with you.

I'm done.

Sunday, August 09, 2009 { 5:57 pm }

Well, I got the shock of my life reading Syai's blog. Yes, at last that guy has a blog. Well, THANK YOU SYAIFUL AMIRIL BIN HAJ MOHAMED ( betol tak? ) for such thoughtful words that you said on your blog. At least aku hafal jugak full name kau, kan kan kan? Hahaha. I could'nt get this far if not for your help dude. Yes, I would treasure her with all of my heart. I will always pray for you dude. May you find your true love soon.

Thursday, August 06, 2009 { 12:33 pm }

Heyyyyyy people. Here I am updating. Today's progrmming. Like hyphen dot hyphen (copyrighted) / dot dot dot (also copyrighted). Aaaaaaaddddddooooooiiiiii. I can't believe I'll be dealing with this shitass of a subject for the next 2 years. I hope I'll get a kickass faci by then that'll revive my interest in the module. Well, I can't wait for tomorrow's outing with the usual ossuarium dudes. Yea. Well, it was by my request anyways, which would be quite weird for them since I rarely request for outings. Haaaaaaaaa~ Well, I just wanna record songs that I and the other dudes have written. Just for old times' sake. I still have that torn YC jotter book where I'll just jot down any inspirations that me or Shak have and slowly we'll work on it till it becomes a song. I guess that's like the most treasured object that I'll ever have of my secondary school days because most of the songs that are inside are the sweat of Shak and me.

I don't why I'm doing this but I'm actually promoting everyone's favourite metalhead, THAHIRAH's kickass vocals. LOL. Well, it's all Epica songs. So, if you like the songs, go find it online. (:

Haaaaaaaaaa~ I hope she does'nt mind me doing this, though. Hahahaha.

So, to have a fair share of fame/shame, I'm posting this video as well.

It's a song called Mesmerised which was Shak and my work. Pardon me for the bad video quality and the very amateurish standard. Well, the fact is, the band that I was in that time was'nt really fixed at that time so we had many switches of players.


I've got no words to say,
How much I love you babe,
I never wanna see you go away,
You left me so mesmerised,

I'm lost in the dark sea,
Your smile is the lighthouse guiding me,
You left me so mesmerised,

Your laughter's a symphony,
And I'll be the melody,
Of the song we used to sing,
Under that great oak tree,

I'm mesmerised by her laugh,
I'm mesmerised by the time,
You looked at me in the eyes,
I swear I saw love in yours,

I hope that you can understand,
How much I'm mesmerised by you,
I'm mesmerised by you,
I'm mesmerised by you.

(I can't really remember the second part)

They say it's all about trial and error,
They say after 3 tries you'll get it right,
I'm putting my hopes and faith in that,
I believe.

Edit: 5.13 PM //

Okay, I'm still in school. Rafi told me in the last minute to go crash course for 1,2,3,4 ( I love you ) by plain white T's and Lovebug by Jonas Brothers. Really complicating songs to sing but heck, I'll just give it a go. I skipped Programming 6th presentation for today somehow sice Syai called me to come down and meet him at the Lawn. hahaha. Oh wells, time for me to go.

That's it.
I'm done.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009 { 12:14 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyyyyy, here I am updating. Break time now so don't start ranting that I am an irresponsible student who updates his blog during school hours. Hahahaha. Well, Gonna have dikir barat later after school. I can't make up my mind whether to continue or to change to another IG. I mean the interest is there, but if attendance is less than convincing, there's no reason for me to go, I guess.

I suddenly miss my peacedudes clan so much seh. I mean those were the first few friends that I made during my secondary school life. It's not that I do not miss the other firends la but I just out of a sudden reminisced my sec 1-2 lives, which were so carefree and where we would do the most awesome and stupid stuff that we have ever done. Okay la. I'll be frank. I think the most awesome stuff that I usually do during my sec 1-2 lives was bullying Nabilah throughout. I also miss the ExpressO! crew, whom I share alot of memories with them, aku miss korang jugak. Adoooooiiiii. It's been a while since we've met la. The last outing that was planned went wrong, so I really hope there will be another outing so we can catch up with each other kay? Also to my lovable Band Clique too. I miss you guys very much. (:

So, if these people that are mentioned who are reading this, WE GOTTA MEET UP ONE OF THESE DAYS AND CATCH UP WITH EACH OTHER SIOL.

Nurul Wirdasari Binte Bazuri.
Muhammad Faez Bin Muhammad Sahid.
Nabilah Binte Sadali.
Nurul Syafiqa Binte Subhi.
Nur Atiqah Binte Noor Rahim.
Muhammad Yasser Bin Johari.
Amirul Hafiz Bin Ahmad Safaruddin.
Sulaiman Bin Zainal.
Muhammad Idris Bin Ya'akob.
Shakthiya S/O Subramaniamm.
Ang Wan Teng.
Christina Tan Pei Ching.
Kalaivani D/O Serga.
Siti Suhana Binte Muhammad Thamrin

Okay la, the others I don't know their full names la.


And all the ExpressO! crew and Band Peeps that I missed out. I never forget about you guys kay? We all must really meet up. (:

Syai seems so fascinated by metal somehow since i showed him Arch Enemy's "The day you died" and Behemoth's "By The Left Hand Ov God". Hahaha. And I'm surprised to the kemuncak that he actually listens to Iron Maiden. Hahaha.


Hahaha. I still can draw la seh. There's still artist blood in me. Hahaha. I mean after soooooooooooo long trading the art room atmosphere for D&T workshop hecticness. [:

P.S. [for Thahirah and Rafi] Expect drawing for Coginitive. (:

& I still need confidence. Adddddooooooiiiii.

I'm done.

//edit: 3:44 PM

I just can't stop laughing at this freaking video. I know it's a bit dirty la. But, look at Cristiano Ronaldo's Expression. For girls, I think better don't watch this vid la eh.

SEE! SEE! SEE! Hahahaha.

This is also funny. Patrice Evra and Park Ji Sung. Evra is so funny and vain la. Hahaha.

This is also quite nice. Evra and Tevez giving Park a surprise party in between an interview.

Well, that's it people. Got Dikir later. Hmmmmmm. Procrastination. Addddooooiiii.

I'm done.

Edit: 5:25 PM

Still waiting for Dikir to start. Addddoooooiiiii. And NABB, What did you see? HAHAHAHA.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009 { 4:03 pm }

I'm falling deeper and deeper.
I really, really think it's you.

Monday, August 03, 2009 { 2:30 pm }

Heyyyyy. Here I am updating. It's maths today but here I am updating. Well, maths on a monday = brain not functioning well. Yea. Hahaha. I missed soundcrusher since I got emceeing duties to the on the following sunday. Rafi, Thahirah and Shak went for the gig. Judging by what they say, it sounds like the show was kickass. Damn I think I just missed on of the shows which showcases Top Singapore metal bands! Adddddoooooiiiii.

My sundays was really, really taxing. Left home early in the morning at 6 since those helping out for the 5-a-side gots briefing at 7. I was a total gundu to arrive at 6.30. I was like a dumb cock waiting at the gate. Hahaha. Emceeing duties were'nt that bad. I thought it was average. I don't know how the other guys think but, ya. After that, I left for my Tahfiz classes. I could'nt keep myself awake since it had been a long day and due to the reason that i did'nt get to eat my lunch. Like Vad Faen. After classes attended jemputan cukur rambut ( I don't know the english translation but it's where families celebrate the birth of their newborn baby.) It's from Cik Rashid, my dad's ex-colleague and my lil bro's swimming coach. So that invitation somehow became my late lunch. Lucky. Hahaha. Went back and watched Garfield 2 on tv! Hahaha. Really darn funny show.

I really don't know what I should do,
Make the next move or just do nothing with it,
I think I do,
I think it's true,
I have that feeling,
I think it's you.

I'm done.

Saturday, August 01, 2009 { 9:53 am }

Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyy. Here I am updating. Hahaha. Well, things pretty awesome nowadays. Yeah. I've got awesome friends who are always there to share the crazy moments with me and stuff. Well, yesterday was Sarah's birthday. Which was somewhat cool with the collages and the small piece of cake. Simple but yeah, cool.

After school went to Jurong Lake Park with the ossuarium dudes. We were wailing ourselves off there with the guitars. Hahaha. AND I FEEL SO BLOODY GUILTY OF WHAT I HAVE DONE TO SHAK'S FINGER. Sorry, indian man. Heh. I can be so clumsy at times. I actually sat on his finger and it caused a very deep cut to his finger. Like, fuck, fuck, fuck. Sorry dude. Well, Shak was his usual self, freestyling and stuff. Which was so funny.

My Dad and my littlest bro went of to Johor today for family gathering at Mersing. I want to tag along but I just got too much work and planning to do for tomorrow's event. Fuck laaaaaaaaaaaa. I want to meet up with my aunties and uncles and cousins and nephews whom I have not met for quite a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. The last time they came to Singapore, I was in Australia. Adooooiiiiiiiiii.

& I suddenly feel so super duperly happy to the kemuncak. I'm over the moon, over the bumbung. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
High gillleeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr siol.
Adddddoooooiiiii. Now I know how Thahirah feels. Faen. Now She'll bully me.

That's it.
I'm done.