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Baby, I Love You.

about me.
Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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YC-ians. Faez. Hans. Nabilah. Shak. Syafiqa. Thahirah. Wirda. YCMB.
RP-ians. Siti♥. Syai. Sarah. Li Jun. Zulaiha (b). Shuqunites. Aishah. Amira. Shahidah. Syairazi Haziq. Archives:
April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 January 2011

Thursday, July 30, 2009 { 1:05 pm }

Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Here I am updating since programming's being a pain in the ass for me. Hahaha. I decided to change my blog song due to the high school memories it holds. Remember this sing guys? Hahahahaha. Hmmm. All the good times.

I know I'm kinda going into old school mode now, but, recently, I've been watching comedies from P. Ramlee. Mostly, bujang lapok series ah which totally will crack you up like what if you're malay, that is. I'm not being racist but the movie in malay whatttttt.

Oh! Die Pakai Exhaust Besi Rupanya! LOL!

This is the memorable ones I'll ever remember.

Lastly, Rafi's favourite song. Hahahahaha.

And I still can't figure out how come I end up in my school's anti-smoking campaign without me knowing. Kurang Asam Betul HMMMMMMM. KEJE SAPE JEKK. Make me drop my water face. Hahaha. LOL.

That's it.
I'm Done.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 { 2:41 pm }

Oioi people! Hahaha. Back updating my blog since our beloved metalhead THAHIRAH bugged me into doing so so she'll not feel that she's the only one blogging. Been busy for this month lately. Abang Hafiz's engagement just past last sunday. First time siol rewang-ing and stuff. Woke up early in the morning to collect all the necessary stuff for the engagement. I did'nt get to take much photos. & another opportunity missed to take photos with my cousins. Sigh. Oh wells, should find another opportunity to take photos together manszx. I am sooooooooooo wishing that a Camera would drop from the skies one fine day. Heh. XD

Pardon me for bad photography. I am never a natural photographer anyways.

Yesterday's staying back with anak-anak melayu of W35F was crazy! & I can't stop laughing at the Videos till now. Go to Kak Siti's blog for more details. (:

Well that's it.
I'm done.

Thursday, July 16, 2009 { 1:38 pm }

Heyyyyyy, here I am updating. Programming today. Well, what I can say is programming sucked since the past few weeks. It's because none of the software used for programming can be used and the faci is'nt helping that much in solving the problem. -.-

So, as usual went to youtube and I found something quite interesting.

The following are on of MJ's last few performances with his brothers or better known as The Jacksons or Jackson 5 at Madison Square Garden, New York. The concert was an appreciation for MJ's 30 years as a performer and it also features Nsync. And what I like was that the performance was pure energy and emotion. You can see the fans' appreciation for the guys.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 { 1:45 pm }

Heyyyyyyy, here I am updating. Well, gonna go to penin after school since Rafi and Thahirah want to pick up their "Rise Of The Tyrant" CDs at Hell's Lab or as Nabilah puts in her own way, "Death Zone". Hahahaha.

Speaking of Nabb, texted her throughout last night. Pretty cool to talk with my somehow best friend/bully victim. Hahaha. Somehow, it was fun talking to her. Biatch. LOL.

& I miss jamming times during buzz ninetyeight days. Pfft.

And Lastly, ALI G IS REALLY FREAKING FUNNY. The following video is an interview with posh and becks. Becks is speechless throughout.

//edit: 10:06 pm

Oh wells, here I am updating. Just helped my mum with her lappy since there's a hell lotta trojans in hers. Hahaha. I have no idea what she did to her lappy. Went to penin just now with Rafi and Thahirah to pick up their CDs at hell's Lab. Mike, the store owner, is kinda cool. Although, the way he talks is kinda weird. Hahaha. No offence though. Went straight home after that since Thahirah was hungry and wanted to go home straightaway because she does'nt have the money. Got home before my mum which was really weird because usually she arrives first. Washed up and had dinner. Msged Nabb and Wir around 8+.

Well, after much self-reflection, I realised something. I don't really need to be loved. I just need someone to talk to. Yes, that's the answer that I found for all the bullshit I have to go through called moving on. Yupps. That's perfectly it. I don't really need to be loved at the moment. I have all the love that I need. From friends and family- 2 sources of love that are so ever important to me. Ahmad, ahmad. Why does it take so long for you to kick some sense into yourself? Hahaha. Well, at last i can breathe again and I never felt better. (:

That's it. I'm done.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 { 2:45 pm }

Heyyyy, here I am updating, in between a presentation. How bad a student I can be? Hahaha. Oh wells, Highlights for today would be Thahirah wearing flat pumps or whatever that thing is. Hahaha. Yes, I'm not joking. Thahirah, EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE METALHEAD is wearing girl stuff. Hahaha. She keeps complaining about blisters and stuff. and the usual me would be laughing my ass off and the usual Rafi would be giving the WTF face before laughing even harder than me. Hahahaha. DOUCHEBAG!

Oh wells, I chatted with Nabilah "The guilty/nurse/blur-cock one" Sadali. Hahahaha. She always feels guilty about whatever she does. & what she told me in the morning was darn funny. Hahaha. Sayang kau jugak la, babe.

I don't know why but I feel random today putting this video. (LOL!) Enjoy!

And the english version.

Monday, July 13, 2009 { 11:43 am }

Heyyyyyyy, here I am updating.

Firstly, tag replies.

Thahirah Erlandsson: Will relink ASAP! (:
Nabilah: Aku tau, kelakar kan? But, poor Rafi la. Singaporeans. -.-

Hahahaha. Okay. Weekends are'nt really that good not bad. Saturday was spent watching History/Discovery/National Geographic Channel. Then set off to ngaji. After that had meeting for the soccer comp. at CWSS. I was appointed announcer. Great. -.- Hahahaha. Oh, well. I guess I'll give it a try.

Sunday had more ngaji. Luckily there was'nt Tahfiz this week. Auntie Shiela came in the afternoon. & I got more free clothing. Hahaha. Pass-Me-Downs.

Parents told me the confirmed date of Abang Hafiz's engagement. It'll be on the 26th of july. A sunday. Daaaannngggg. So much stuff happening in July and August. I gotta keep track of my schedule.

Oh well, it just seems that I can't get enough of Epica. Especially Simone. Heh. & She sounds better acoustically. Awestruck by her vocal prowess.

Okay, since there are many july babies, Wishing the july babies a happy birthday.

10th - Wanteng.
11th - Rafi.
15th - Ami.
20th - Shak.
27th - Wir and Wid.

Saturday, July 11, 2009 { 12:53 pm }

Heyyy, here I am updating. Finally, got to woke up late today. Overslept and nearly missed Subuh. Got up, solat and back to sleep after that. I did'nt bothered to memorise the Quran since there's no Tahfiz for this sunday. Thank god. I really need my rest. Slept like a pig till 10, since I came back quite late last night. I'm sorry to the ossuarium crew for ditching every friday's outing. I really can't make it on fridays.

Well, something that was really fun happened yesterday while we were getting off the train. As you know, getting out of the train during the evenings at Jurong East = HELL. And, basically, yesterday was Rafi's birthday celebration at school so he's bound to get presents and a cake right? Everything was in this plastic bag. We were like making fun of Thahirah before we got off the train since Thahirah has the habit at swearing at people who does'nt give way to her when she wants to get off the train. But, yesterday was special. As we were getting off the train, some fat woman actually rushed into the train AND BUMPED INTO RAFI'S BAG WHICH WAS HEAVILY LADEN WITH PRESENTS AND A CAKE FROM BAKERZIN and that was the first time I saw Rafi totally pissed off. He was swearing like "Bbbaaaaabbbbbiiiiii! Sial punye pompuan tak tau sabar! Da la gemok!" and all other wearing words in malay. I feel his frustration. He kept swearing all the way till Lakeside. Hahahaha. Rafi, Rafi.

well, Syafiq asked me for symphonic metal songs early in the morning. Think I u torrent ah?! Hahahahaha. I think yesterday's outing kicked some sense into him.

I'm done.

Friday, July 10, 2009 { 10:28 am }

Heyy, here I am updating. Well, I feel much more better now since I have learnt to let go of things in my life and express it all out. Really thankful to Wirda, Rafi and Shak for being there for me all along. You guys are the best, and I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart.

Well, I just am so loving this song for now. Solitary ground by Epica.

Simone Simons is bloody one hot of a woman. And her vocals are totally awesome. If only I live in The Netherlands. Heh.

"It's never easy to satisfy oneself. You control your own mind while others you can brainwash them, you see. Find something new to replace the lost love. Memang susah but if you don't move on, life would be miserable."

- Nurul Wirdasari Binte Bazuri, my peacedude. (:

I'm done.

Thursday, July 09, 2009 { 9:10 am }

Heyyy, here i am people. Updating. I got programming today. Total killer. Oh well, gonna go to JE again with the usual people. L4D babyehhhhhh! Hahaha. Ever since Rafi updated L4D for me, I'm stuck to the game again. Just don't ask me to play together as a group, because, my aiming sucks to the core. Just ask Rafi and Thahirah the number of times I incapacitated them. Hahaha. That was how bad I was. Considering the fact they were playing in expert mode when I'm a total sucker at it. -.- Tried talking Shak into watching Harrpy Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. The result was an Epic fail. He still insists on not going because he knew there's gonna be a part where Ron and Hermoine are gonna kiss each other. Shak, Shak. You will never know how cheesy and random he can be at times. Just read his bloody blog and you'll understand what I am saying.

On a total random note, I just wanna talk about moving on. Yea, moving on. I just need a source to vent all my frustrations that I bottled up in me for quite some time. I don't know for whatsoever reason, I always find it hard for me to move on after a break-up of my relationship. The last time, it took me 2 years to really move on. I really have no idea why but I always find it hard for me to move on when people take quite a short time to do so. And now, after breaking up from a 9-month relationship, I bet it's gonna be even harder for me to move on. Even though, a few posts ago, I might said I've moved on, but, moving on is'nt as easy as it seems. I still have this small piece in my heart that keeps holding me back. I feel so frustrated because even though I keep telling myself to keep moving, the surroundings are'nt helping because I have to many things that keep reminding me. I mean should I like throw it all away? I really have no idea. If I really have moved on, why do I still keep doing the same old things? Why do I still care for her? Why did I read her blog just to check on her? Pfft. I don't know where does the fault lies. I feel so pissed off at the moment. A pep talk or two or maybe a hug would really help.

Okay, enough of the emoshit stuff. I'm still not happy with Wacken's band lineup this year. It's mostly shitty. Except for a few bands, of course. I'm so glad Epica is part of the line-up. Woooooo~ The new drummer and guitarist are'nt really that bad. They have a bachelors' degree in music. What can you expect? Bachelors' degree in music = sleep, drink, eat, breathe MUSIC. Not forgetting that they have a totally hot and talented vocalist.

Lastly, I'm so happy Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won the Indonesian Presidential Elections. I know I'm a Singaporean, but, heck. Politics just turn me on. Hahahaha. I know, How Ironic.

" True love is like the loch ness monster or the yeti. Everyone knows it. But, we don't believe it till we see it. I refuse to believe it till I see it."

- Shakthiya "The Wise one" subramaniamm.

Coolness, no matter how random and cheesy he may be, whatever he says is sometimes wisdom. Hahahaha.

Okay, That's it.
I'm done.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009 { 9:29 am }

Heeyyyyyy, here I am updating, IN SCHOOL. Yea, school's started. Thank god. No more the damned e-learning! Yeay! So, yesterday, after school waited for Rafi and Thahirah before going off to JE to do our assignments. Rafi was the first to arrive at south agora. Followed by me. Thahirah was ate because her faci dragged the 6P. So, basically yesterday was Thahirah's bad/unlucky/hungry day. I'll explain.

Firstly, she gave me and Rafi a rude shock when she met us after school in braids. IN BRAIDS, I REPEAT. Rafi and I were laughing our asses off the whole time since it was a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way back that she last braided her hair. So, we needed time to get used to her stand-up, one day, hairstyle (as usual). It's in a guy's blood to laugh/make fun of girls when they change to a new or revive their old hairstyle babe. (:

So, secondly, what really defined Thahirah's bad/unlucky day was the Earthworm. Yes, I repeat THE EARTHWORM. So, basically, me, Thahirah and Rafi were making our way to JE library when I saw a poor Earthworm on the floor. And being the Lover of Allah The Almighty Creations (chehbah, masuk bakul angkat sendiri siol aku), I pushed Thahirah aside so that she would'nt crush the earthworm while shouting earthworm. And, shockingly, everyone's favourite metalhead, THAHIRAH, actually freaked out and shouted like any typical girl would do. I repeat, THAHIRAH FREAKED OUT AND SHOUTED LIKE ANY TYPICAL GIRL WOULD DO. Once again, Rafi and I laughed our asses off. Only this time, harder. And I tried the same trick again when we went home and it did the same thing to Thahirah, AGAIN.

Lastly, which epically defines Thahirah's bad/unlucky day was when we were ordering food after a tiring day. So, we decided to buy Ramly burger at the Stall near JEC. Me and Rafi were totally surprised when she actually ordered 3 BURGERS. Yes, I'm not making this up and your eyes are'nt playing games with you. THAHIRAH ACTUALLY ORDERED 3 BURGERS. Rafi and I were shocked because a girl could outdo our appetite. She has seriously one big appetite, that metalhead.

So, at the end of the day, Thahirah earned herself a new nickname!


wait for it....

Hahahaha. Credits to Rafi"THE CHEESY ONE"Ammott for that cheesy, funny shit. LOL.
And, Rafi, I feel your pain about what you heard about Angela. Hahahahaha.

I guess that's it.
I'm done.

Thursday, July 02, 2009 { 2:17 pm }

Heyyyy, people. Here I am updating. Currently indulging in an msn convo with anak-anak melayu W35F. Coolness. And they seem fascinated with Norwegian/finnish swear words. Hah.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009 { 2:59 pm }

Heyy people. Here I am updating. Just done with my e-learning stuff anyways. Kinda jaded. E-learning was'nt bad today. Did my e-learning withmy groupmates and somewhat I took over the job as facilitator for the day, explaining what should be done and what the questions in the worksheet meant. Yea. Kinda fun though. Hahaha. Especially, bullying when bullying kakak siti. **Inside joke**

Well, I woke up early in the morning to receive somewhat good/bad news:

Mom: Chebah, Abang da jadi pakcik seh.
Me (in sleepyhead-still-in-wonderland mode) : what are you talking about?
Mom: Kak Sarah (My cousin) just gave birth last night. Baby Boy.
Me (at last in alert mode) : ARE YOU SERIOUS?! FAEN! I'm getting old.
Mom: Yes, and why do you keep saying FUN? (LOL!) Da jadi Pak Long seh. Abis la pas ni die main bola dengan pakcik-pakcik die.

For you non-malay-speaking homosapiens, go get a translator to understand the malay parts. (:

So yea, I'm getting old, age is catching up with me - and as Faez puts it in his own way - "YADA, YADA, YADA"

I feel so old. Now I'm an uncle already. Sooner or later, I'll be graduating from poly. Then, I'm gonna go for NS. Then, I need to find my life partner, YADA, YADA, YADA. Damn it. Now I realise I need to enjoy life. FAST!

Oh well, dropping that subject, I watched Bolt and Step brothers today. Cool Movies. Watching High School Musical 3 now. That's how bored I am. Mugging on Movies. Haha.

Well, I checked out a video that Thahirah and Rafi showed me not a long time ago.

This is cool? Wait for the other one.

Okay, ignoring the fact that they look like Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, THEY ARE TOTALLY RAD/AWESOME! Infusing classical music and metal. Not anyone can do that, you know. And, He has LED on his fretboard markings. How cool is zaaattttt?

Okay, I'm done.