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Baby, I Love You.

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Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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RP-ians. Siti♥. Syai. Sarah. Li Jun. Zulaiha (b). Shuqunites. Aishah. Amira. Shahidah. Syairazi Haziq. Archives:
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 { 3:52 pm }

Oh well, here I am people. Updating. My e-learning lesson was'nt as bad as I expected it to be. It was so since my faci added the whole class to his msn. So, it was easier for us to rectify our problems with him. Should I say it was a breeze? Nahhhh. Not really. It's better to have a real lesson in class with the person teaching in front of you. But, however, I think today's e-learning lessons was the best so far.

I've been downloading movies from utorrent nowadays since I have internet access with me for the whole day. So, today I watched Nick and Norah's infinite playlist.

Well, I got to know about the movie through TV. Since they're showing it on starhub's Demand TV. It's really a good movie. About how sincere love is. You guys should watch it. (:

Well, other than that, I'm gonna talk about MJ's death. Kinda a shock to the world on how such a great entertainer has passed on. But, I'm still kinda shocked on how certain people react to it. There are still some people out there who still call him boy molester and stuff. I mean, what the heck is that all about manszx. He's dead/gone. Can't like you guys forget about it already? You can't just keep going on like this. Everyone makes mistakes. Yea, he's wacko jacko, but, I see him in a good way. Besides, all those charges made against him about child molestation, it's over. and he's proven innocent. Maaannnn~ I can't believe how people behave sometimes man. Just give him some respect. A respect any great musician should deserve.

I'll end my post with a vid. Hope you guys will learn something "informational" about it. Hahaha.

Monday, June 29, 2009 { 12:41 pm }

Heyyyyyyy, here I am updating. Bad news for me, for now. The bad news is, I am home quarantined and my "vacation is extended till friday. So, that means that I have to endure e-learning for another extra 2 more days. Like WTF seriously. The worse part is that I have to refrain from going out. Vad Faen ah. -.- So, basically, I pass by time youtubing/chatting/tv/eat/shit/sleep. THE WHOLE DAY. & Thahirah let me listen to a really cool song. And that shall end my post for now.

Saturday, June 27, 2009 { 1:06 pm }

Heyy people. Here I am updating. Oh, well, weekends never felt better since there's no e-learning. Heh. My head's throbbing since I slept at 2+ because I could'nt sleep. Went online and had a lil chat with Nabb. Watched Viva La Bam and The dudesons on youtube too. Woke up around 5+ for solat subuh and my parents made me do work straightaway. -.- So, that explains my headache. Hah. Carried back all the stuff back to the kitchen since the renovation's done. Woo~ Thank god. No more loud noises, dust etc. & I have to say I really love my new kitchen. Heh.

Annnnndddddd, I just got an update from Reuben that John contracted H1N1. Like OMG!!!!!!!! Damn. I hope my class would'nt be quarantined for more days. I just can't take the e-learning anymore. And, most importantly, I HOPE NONE OF MY CLASSMATES GOT INFECTED TOO!

Well, I'm now soooooooo missing jamming. & I have no idea how the Ossuarium project is coming along.

Oh, well, that's it.
I'm done.

Friday, June 26, 2009 { 2:32 pm }

Heyy, here I am updating. Well, Im basically told to stay away from school for a week. Which means I need to do e-learning, which totally sucked balls. The first e-learning was for programming, Which I sucked alot at. Well, I'm not alone. Hahaha. Basically, most of my classmates were struggling with the questions that were given on the worksheet la. I spent most of my time watching the dudesons. Hahahaha. It was funny shit.

Science's e-learning today was a lil bit better. Encountered a few problems here and there. But, it's all good. I'm still waiting for the faci to release the RJ so I can get done with this crap.

Oh ya, btw, MJ's dead. Not forgetting Farrah Fawcett. May the both of them RIP.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 { 9:30 am }

Heyyyyyyy, here I am updating, dudes and duddettes. (:

So well, I came to school with Rafi just now since Thahirah wanted to come to school late with her classmates. I guess my presentation yesterday for my enterprise skills was better than the past few weeks, but still, it's below standards for me. Oh well, chatted with Sha during the 2nd study break. Asked her how was the outing on Monday. We talked about lots of stuff yesterday since it's been ages we've met each other and get to talk. It's also since I did'nt talk to her when we met up the other day since I was rushing to leave so we never really had a proper conversation.

Other than that, I also chatted to Atikah, someone who actually added me on friendster, who happens to be Qayyum's cousin. We used to chat online but lost contact for a while. But, we contacted again somehow. Hahahaha. Fun chatting with you again, friend. (:

Anyway, on another note, I added Mas Daryl on facebook. For those who don't know who is he, He's someone who I got to know when I went to Melbourne for my Australia trip last year during my vacations. And he has an album or two? What I meant was he has his own music album and the songs are'nt really bad. I kinda lke it alot. It's more to the R&B genre. But, heck, I still love it. I'm kinda universal when it comes to music. Remember that.

I somehow still can't make up my mind on whether to join Dikir Barat or Gamelan? Which one should I join manszx. Help. Anyone?

And did I mention Simone Simons has windmill-worthy hair? Sooooo cool. :D

I'm done.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 { 9:38 am }

Heyyyy.Here I am updating. Well, yesterday's outing was'nt much of an outing because I only got to spend only 15 minutes with my 6E clique. Well, I still enjoyed it even though it was only 15 minutes. Most of them changed dress wise, but, it's still the same people deep inside whom I know during my primary school days. Aizat still calls me "Stokin busok". -.- Hahahaha. It was really fun being with them and getting to meet up again after so long.

Basicallly, I trained down to dhoby ghaut wit Syaful and we changed trains to get to harbourfront. Went to habourfront centre's maccas since we planned to meet there. Instead, Syaful and I had to wait for 2 hours for them and they told us to meet at banquet. So, in the meantime, did all the work that I had there. Chatted with Nabb to understand things better. It was all cool since Nabb was the only expresso who was online at that time. We chatted about loads of stuff from school to the vid on her blog. & it totally made me forget that time passed by. Well, you know I just miss messing around with Nabb. Hahahahaha. & I have no idea why.

And now, I basically decided to change my blog playlist yet again. It's back to the basics with classics with metal stuff. & everyone's favourite metalhead THAHIRAH just sent to me epica's cover of Pirates Of Carribean. It is totally dope manszx. No wonder they're Epica. There's so many epic stuff you can do with guitars and double-paddled drums. Fascinating magic. (:

Monday, June 22, 2009 { 10:08 am }

Okay, I know yesterday was Father's day & I totally forgot about it, despite the countless ads on Father's day on TV. Great. Just great. Well, I had no mood with my dad yeterday since he's pestering me to polish his boots. His reason? His boots shine when I polish it. Yea, I konw that should be a compliment but when threatening me he won't pay for my prepaid if I will not polish it is never a good idea. Yea, I know it's stupid when I got pissed of just because of that. But, heck. I always screw up special days like Mother's day, Father's day, My parent's birthday etc. I mean there's bound to be something stupid happening such as quarrels and stuff. Like, Vad Faen. Pfft. But, I still try not to follow my emotions.

Oh well, There's gonna be 6E outing later. I can't really fucking wait! Hahahaha. Well, I went to school with the usual duo of Rafi and Thahirah. We were like talking about politics in the train. In particular, Malaysian Politics. Rafi and Thahirah were also like making fun of the kid beside us. I know it's bad, but, when you have someone wearing a band shirt which we totally hate, it's just toooooo tempting. Hahahaha. we know we're total A-holes. (:

Oh well, back to my studying.

I'm done.

Thursday, June 18, 2009 { 9:05 am }

Heyyyyyyy. Okay. Here I am updating during school hours. I know I'm not being an exemplary student whatsoever shit, but, who gives a flying fuck? Hahahahaha. Well, currently I'm finding time between lessons to watch the movies that Shak gave me a few days back. So far, I watched Night At The Museum 2, Jackass no. 3, Superhero movie, Epic movie and most recently, Sex Drive. Watched it last night on my lappy. It was a cool show. & I agree with Shak, Amanda Crew really played her part well in the movie as a Emo, Tomboy girl. It was really, really good and it addressed the social problem of kids who receive peer pressure of losing virginity at such a young age. Yea. I really like the movie. & did I mention that Amanda is really hot? Like, totally manszx. Hahaha. Oh well, gotta get back to paying attention to lessons. Will update more later, if I have the time that is. (:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 { 9:37 am }

Heyyyy. Here I am updating. During school hours. Hahaha. Typical me. Kinda not feeling well in the stomach today. I don't know why. Hmmmm. Should have not eaten before going to sleep I guess. Hahaha. Well, Fit and yass dropped by RP, which was totally cool and rad as it was the perfect start for your back-to-school by mmeting your old mates. Totally cool. Took pics on Thahirah's lappy. EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE METALHEAD. Hahahaha. I soooooooooooooooo love calling her that. Yasser was bugging Rafi to let him use his laptop as yass wanted to watch pitbull's music video which does not fall into the category of music that Rafi listens to while Rafi was busy disturbing Thahirah about We-know-who. Heh. Shall not defame our favourite metalhead publicily.

So I'll bring out a totally random topic to talk about here. It's about the recent transfer about the supposedly world's best player and most expensive player on the planet, whatever shit you call it, Cristiano Ronaldo. Yeah. His recent move from Old Trafford to Santiago Berneabeu for 80 million pounds which totally broke the recored and makes him the most expensive player on the planet. Seriously, speaking, from a Man Utd fan, there's nothing that we can look up to him manszx. It's like a total no surprise that he moved to a club which lost badly to our arch rivals from the Merseyside. Yes, of course he's seen as a footballing prodigy when he just arrived from sporting lisbon with his nifty footwork and stuff and he might create history by being the player that has scored the most goal's in a season. But, after the being crowned as the world's best player, that guy has totally changed like seriously. Being a man utd fan, I frankly speak that when he had just arrived as a 19 year-old player, I admire him as a player. But, ever since the world's best player award, that guy's a changed man. Diva-like attitude on and off the pitch, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo anti him now. Yes, Fergie might plead him twice to stay, but, that guy should'n t show his tantrums manszx towards the team that nurtured him until what he is today. His performance at Rome clearly proves he's a diva. Like fuck. So it's time he move and let new blood prove their worth.

And, lastly, I have a weakness for jazz and soul music. So soothing. The best genre other than metal to soothe my nerves.(:

I'm done.

//edited- 11:34am

haha. okay, I don't know why i'm updating again, but ya. just a few vids, I guess. Since I read something on Idris's blog about the Jai Ho song in hindi. Heh. I agree with Idris though. A.R. Rahman's version in Hindi is better than the rendition by PCD. It's lesser of a headache and it has the pure Hindustan vibe to it which purely defines India. So, that explains the 2 Oscars. Shak would be so proud. (:

Oh well, I'm still freaking bored & I need more songs, although my playlist is now so darn full till hundreds. Hah. What else, all-metal. Well, gotta update my PSP playlist.

Monday, June 15, 2009 { 11:51 am }

Okay. It's back to school for me. Yea. Holidays were fine. Except the 5 hour shopping trip around Masjid India which was a total killer. In and out of shops and my mum could'nt decide on what to buy. In the end, she only had like 3 bags of stuff. 3 small plastic bags. -.- The best parts were when we were on our way home since the whole bus belonged to our family since no one was on that bus back to Singapore. Totally felt like I was on a tour bus. Other than that, the trip to auntie Asmah's bunglow in Kluang was thaa bomb. Like seriously. I enjoyed myself to the max there. Heh. So, now it's back to my laptop and lessons. Pfft. Anyway, I can't wait for 6E (2004)'s outing at Sentosa! We got a lot of catching up to do with each other manszx. I really hope I can go. The class that was once called LIVERPOOL, since majority of the class were Kop heads. -.- I MISS YOU GUYS SEHHS.

Adakah perasaan benci ini sebenarnya cinta,
Yang masih,
bersemadi untukmu,
Dan sebenarnya ku mengharapkan di sebalik senyuman mu itu,
Kau juga,
merindui aku.

Thursday, June 04, 2009 { 12:36 pm }

so, just a few pictures from W35F's sports fiesta. Hahaha. Credits to Siti for her wonderful photography. I lazy to update more. I'm bored.

I'm done.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009 { 10:28 am }

Heyy, guys. So,as my title has stated clearly there's been conflicts around nowadays. Yes, big ones. Firstly, there's the conflict between me and my ex-girlfriends. So, that's kinda settled. I got over it and moved on, Rafi told me now that she's hooked up with a guy that I expected to be her next one, so, ya, I don't really give a fuck about what's happening.

Secondly, there's this conflict between my family. Yes. In particular, me against my whole family. Well, basically, it happens because I was'nt doing my part in keeping the house clean. Okay, I admit i'm being kinda lazy, but, you don't have to call me undependable right? Pfft. So, my mum was kinda ranting the whole day since she came back from work. I just kept quiet and gave the can't be bothered attitude. I mean, it's my holidays, can't you give me a freaking break? When, I had my long vacations, did I once did'nt do the work that you asked me to do? I did it okay, without any objections. And now you're calling me undependable. Then, my lil bros have to add fuel to the fire. Fucking little baastards. Erghhhhhh. I mean, dude, you did'nt do anything the whole day too manszx and now you're acting good and doing all the work and calling me a freaking lazy bum? Fuck yourself, you asshole. So, my dad came home later and he asked me whether I did anything the whole day, so I just answered a big fat "No, I just became a lazy bum the whole day." & I gave him a sarcastic smile. Not a good birthday present for him, I know. But, it's better to tell the truth than lying right? So, later he entered the room and I could hear the conversation between my mum and him. & all of a sudden, he came out screaming I'm undependable. Great. -.- I could'nt be bothered so I turned in early, thinking it will stop. But, it continued al the way till morning manszx. So, I woke up and my grandma was on the phone. She was talking to her sister and her sister was asking why she did'nt ask me for help for certain things. And, guess what, she also said I'm undependable. -.- Like triple, jumbo FUCK. I mean, what do i have to do to make you guys know that it'smy holidays and I deserve a rest. I'm getting effing frustrated and sick about this matter going on and on. I mean everytime I have holidays, I'm made to do work, when I already have enough work and school and now you're piling it up. Like what everyone's favourite metalhead, Thahirah would say, VAD FAEN! Gosh. Is it so hard for you guys to understand that I want my holidays to be undisturbed. I want to live like a normal teenager too manszx. Is it that really hard for you guys to understand me?

Lastly, the conflict between my once brother and sister 29, Yasser and Nabilah. Well, I treat them as my own siblings now, I mean I treat all the Expressos like family. So, bak pepatah melayu, peha kanan dicubit, peha kiri juga terasa sakit. So, this is just my opinion & i'm neutral. I mean, come on, you guys are my best friends manszx. & it's not pretty looking at the both of you quarelling. I don't think that's my only opinion but all of expresso. Tak cool la tengok korang gaduh macam ni. I just hope you guys can be friends again.

And, to wrap it all up, My blog song is for all the heart-broken, devastated, confused kids out there. I feel your pain. (:

I'm done.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009 { 10:21 am }

Hey guys. Stuck at home now. And my head is rumbling due to all the work going on in my house. Serious speaking, my house is a total mess at the moment. I really hate the holidays as my family would take full advantage to avoid their responsibilities. Usually, my grandma is at home, tending to all the needs the construction workers needs and stuff. But, since they knew I would be at home for the whole day today, everyone just vanished early in the morning. Great. -.-

So, msged Shak and gave him advice last night. Hahaha. The good old days where Shak would come to me for advice on what to do for certain guy things. I promise I won't be an ass this time dude. (: I've yet to ask my parents whether I can go out on Saturday to accompany Shak and show him around where to buy soccer boots. No, Shak's not in the soccer team, he's in touch rugby. And the rugby guys usually use the same boots as the soccer guys, so, ya. Get the logic? Yea. I wanna go out but the usual gang's all busy. Shak and Wirda still has school. Rafi's still working. So, i'm stuck at home. I really wanna get back to playing soccer manszx. My totally bleeding, blistered feet are itching to kick balls manszx. Daaaaaaannnngggggg~

That's all for now.
I'm done.

Monday, June 01, 2009 { 3:00 pm }

Okay. I'm currently feeling very tired right now. Left home early in the morning to RP since the W35F kids are having some sort of self-organised sports fiesta. Hahaha. Played soccer, basketball and tennis. There was'nt the full strength there. But, heck, I enjoyed myself.

So, my mum actually packed lunch for me. Same old stuff, fried rice. Well, at least there's something. So after washing up, went online. My uncle MSN-ed me. :D He was asking how was my family and stuff. & he's waiting for us to come to KL and he's pretty excited to bring us to his new home in Klang. Heh.

Btw, ask me out people! I'm free for a week. Going KL next week.

I'm done.