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Baby, I Love You.

about me.
Ahmad Mustaqim.
17 years old.
Republic Polytechnic.
Diploma In Aerospace Engineering [Quality Systems].
Ahmad Mustaqim

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YC-ians. Faez. Hans. Nabilah. Shak. Syafiqa. Thahirah. Wirda. YCMB.
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Monday, April 27, 2009 { 9:46 am }

evrything's over. I'm not hoping for anything now.

I'm not one who lashes out at anyone.
I'm sorry that it happens to you.
It's time we go our own ways.
Find someone who's perfect for you.
I know I'm not the one.
I'll pray for your hapiness.

Thursday, April 23, 2009 { 2:06 pm }

Okay, so basically, I'm still not happy about all these stereotyping against the metal genre. & I feel that Metal desereves the fair share of respect like other mainstream genres get, Sooooooo, I want to tell the whole wide world out there so they would stop STOMP-ing, posting videos on YouTube saying Metal is satanic.

To begin our 1001 lesson of metal for dummies we shall begin with something mellow.

Symphonic Metal.

To begin with, the videos you guys just watch was by Nightwish. The song was called "Over the hills and far away". Nightwish belongs to the metal sub-genre of what we call Symphonic Metal. The type of music symphonic metal bands usually play would usually be accompanied by wind symphony orchestras, the vocals rarely involves screaming and most importantly, the lyrics does not involve SATAN. Remember that.

Mind you, Nightwishes' vocalist in the video, Tarja Turunen (She is now replaced by Anette Olzon), is a trained lyric soprano & was refered to as the "Voice Of Finland" by the Finnish president. (credits to: wikipedia.org) So, stop refering to Metalheads as Social-misfits.

Annnndddd, It is not, I repeat, NOT noisy shit. Symphonic metal is what I would call, it's other mellower cousin. The video explains it all. Do you like even hear what those dumb people say, LOUD, SATANIC CRAP. Huh? Huh? Huh?

Sooooooooo, Next time, do your research before you talk.

& stop telling us that Jesus Christ told us to listen to boybands. -.-

No Offence. That was actually a comment made by some guy on Stomp!.

That's it.

I'm done.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 { 8:48 pm }

P.S. :Watch the video first. I know it's kinda long but it'll help you understand my post better.

Well, this topic came about just now. Basically, I was doing my RJ just now & Thahirah showed me this Vid. I was kinda surprised actually. I just could'nt express my feelings. It's just beyond words. I realise how dumb can the mainstream society be at times. & I really hate it when people stereotype metal as SATANIC music. & I really think that Metalheads out there deserve justice!

For a start, I'll let you know that i'm not a metalhead. To be frank, I basically listen to all types of music. I'm not choosy when I'm listening music. I listen to metal too. & I don't think metal is satanic, like what those dumb mofos out there are talking about. Metal is just Music not SATANIC MUSIC. Although there is satanic metal, it does'nt mean the whole genre is associated to satan, sex & getting drunk & all those socially unacceptable stuff. For those who know the bible, Does'nt the band name "Avenged Sevenfold" come from the bible? Does'nt "Beast & The Harlot" sound familiar to you? See? SO DON'T CATEGORISE METAL AS SATANIC.

What I don't freking agree about the video is that it says Metal and Rock are for talentless people. That is so freaking not TRUE. Learning the guitar takes more effort than creating a beat luuhh. Creating a beat is far more easier than creating countless bars of riffs, power chords, finger tapping & talented drumming. Only talented people can run their fingerson the guitar and play fast tempos on the drums for 8 minutes straight. This is far more talented rather than sitting in front of a computer and clicking on a bunch of keys of pre-recorded sounds to create a freaking beat.

What I really don't get is when they say Metalheads have an I.Q of 1?! I mean helllllllllOOoooooOOoo?????!!!!!! Studies show that smart kids actually listen to heavy metal. Because they see heavy metal as a way to realease their stress. If you think i'm making baseless statements, click the link, It'll prove my stand: http://www.scientificblogging.com/news/smart_kids_listen_to_heavy_metal

So in conclusion, The kids on the video are a bunch of dumbasses, making a fool of themselves. To me, Metal bands are a group of people who try to express themselves, the same way other renowed musicians make music. Everyone is talented in their own ways. Music is suppose to unify us. So, God Dammit, leave the genre alone.

Metal is Music. Not SATANIC music.

That's it.
I'm done.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 { 5:31 pm }

Okay. So gonna update for today. As usual met up with Thahirah & Rafi to go to school together. We still can't stop gossiping about Sulaiman. Haha. Filter-less smoker.

So basically today's module was introduction on programming. Super boring! -.- Basically, because my team did'nt know what to do for the presentation. And Syai was like crapping all along on MSN. Haha. Damn freaking funny uh! I was like only playing around with the turtle software. Once again, I skipped lunch. Ate it after school with Rafi & Thahirah. Then, to the library to do the daily assignments. i've yet to get my daily grade for the previous assignment. Rafi got an A forhis first ever assignment. Kembang uh. Haha.

Okay, guess that's pretty much it.

I'm done.

Monday, April 20, 2009 { 5:51 pm }


Yeah. So basically, today's the first day of Poly life. Woo! Officially the first day siol. Classes was'nt really as bad as certain people dreaded it would be. Maybe it's the first day? Maybe you're gonna feel the pain later down the road.

So, basically, I'm still in school, just did my RJ with Rafi. Rafi's kinda watching cicakman 2 now. Decided to stay back since there's internet connection here & I can do my work easily. & maybe i shall do that for the next 3 years? since it's much more convenient. It also has a conducive learning enviroment, so, why not?

Okay I guess that's pretty much it.

I'm done.

Saturday, April 18, 2009 { 11:03 am }

Okay. Official lessons are gonna start this monday. The final orientation day was yesterday & it was'nt really bad. The atmosphere was simply electrifying. Especially during Jam N' Hop. There was moshings & stuffs. Thahirah broke her specs. She got stuck in the middle of a mosh pit. Haha. I did'nt stay till Jam N' Hop ended. Went back to home base to collect my lappy & my bag. Went to do my RJ & Quiz together with Rafi. Went home around 10. I'm happy with the start of my poly life. Can't wait! Woo~

I'm Done.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 { 8:11 pm }

Okay. Today was Orientation. Met up with Rafi & Thahirah at Lakeside @ 7.30. Trained all the way to Woodlands until school. We broke up to go to our meeting places after that.

Orientation was'nt that really bad, Other than the lunch, that is. Other than that it was AWESOME! Sorry to Pradeep about his Toe Nail. Very-very sorry. My groupmates were really awesome too. It was basically better than the SEG camp because we were more united now. Everyone took part so you really feel being a part of the team.

SO, now i can't wait for tomorrow. I'm starting to blend in with my new poly life basically & i'm starting to enjoy it. Haha.


Haha. Told you i'm starting to blend in.

I'm done.

Monday, April 13, 2009 { 9:57 am }


Okay. This will be kinda of a rude shock for some people, but, yes, I'm back updating. I kinda went missing to do somereflections on life? Yea.

So, most of my friends should be in school right now. Starting their new chapter in life. The chapter called Poly/ITE/JC lives respectively. The JC kids started school looooooooooong ago. ITE/Poly starts today except for Republic Poly, where i'm enrolled to.

SO everything basically starts all over again, make new friends, study in your respective courses, bla...bla...bla... Every new chapter that begins usually has the same beginning. But, later somewhere down the road there would be twists & turns, which is the climax of the whole story in that particular chapter of your life.

But, basically, everything changes except one. Your memories of your past schooling life. It'll take some time to move on, but, you'll make it through. But, still there will always be a special clique that will always be the same to me, the ExpressOs!

Okay I know that I've been missing from recent outings & most of you know the reason. But, Memories with you guys would be the hardest thing to erase away. I hope we won't forget each other after this. Do keep contact with each other ya? I'll miss you guys tons! Take care guys. Wish you guys all the best in whatever you do.

That's it.
I'm done.